In 2021 we initiated two new school hygiene projects. The first project worked with 10 schools in Huong Tra and was funded directly by PiCCA members. The second worked with another 10 schools in Phu Vang and was made possible with funding from The Phillips Foundation.

The construction stage of both projects was completed by the end of 2021 with the combined 20 participating schools equipped with new hygienic wash stations, already well in use by the children in the schools.

Both projects also involved a significant training element in which the entire populations of the school communities are participating in training on matters pertaining to hygiene, sanitation, disease prevention and home-based care. Initial training programmes had been conducted in both areas by the end of 2021 with subsequent programs continuing to be rolled out over the first 6 months of 2022.

All in all, around 8,000 school children benefit from these projects in the first year.

An agreement with the local Departments of Education will see the infrastructure maintained and the learning from the training continuing to be promoted through the school communities for at least 5 years to come.

Here are two videos about these projects  from our Partners Hearts for Hue.

Huong Tra Project

Phu Vang Project