Dear Friends,

It’s time to say goodbye. PiCCA will cease operating soon and we want to thank you for your interest and support since the organisation was established in 2014.

Over the years, we have worked on projects with community-based partners in Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, and Vietnam. These projects have focused on community development, skills development, poverty alleviation, health, food security, and women’s empowerment, including several small infrastructure projects.

All our work has been done in close partnership with local communities who identified their priority needs and how these needs could best be met. Along the way, we learned from our partners and developed relationships of trust and respect.

We feel a deep sense of gratitude to our partners and supporters. To all of you we say: Merci, Dhan-ya-vadh, Onek dhonnobad, Siyabonga Kakhulu,  Ahsante, Tenkyu, Cám õn, Grazie and Thank You.