The community centre Luman Hipakoko in Haku was completely full for the recent 5-day home skills training program delivered together with our partners at the Hako Women’s Collective (HWC) in Bougainville.

The training focused on practical skills in the use of rocket stoves and drum ovens, cooking, sewing, and home design and development. Information, support and advice was also offered to those who wished to set up and run small home-based businesses using the skill sets acquired.

The training is just one part of a broader project which is also trialling the import and sale of Rocket Stoves as a potential social enterprise for the HWC. The environmentally friendly, time saving rocket stoves are in great demand across the island. If the trial shows it viable, the HWC will import and sell larger quantities of Rocket Stoves and use the profits to help fund their community services, training programs and domestic violence prevention and respite centre.