Donate to PiCCa


  • 100% of your donation goes directly to our partners overseas to spend on the projects. No money is deducted for administration.
  • We think the things that PiCCA can do will make a real difference, to people working towards the goals of equity, opportunity, justice and peace in their own communities.
  • PiCCA is very careful about the kinds of projects it chooses to support.
  • We make sure projects are being developed by, requested by and supported by local communities, that they are well governed and that they are likely to succeed with the injection of funds or other resources.
  • We work together with our partners to make sure the application of funds and resources are being best used and having the desired outcome.
  • Typically $30,000 is all it takes to deliver a really successful project.

Donations are fully tax deductible for Australian residents.

Donations of any amount – large or small – are welcome.

If you also want to be involved in choosing projects, contributing your expertise, learning more about community development and enjoying members-only social events, please consider becoming a member.


  • Fill in your details below, and
  • Pay your donation into PiCCA’s Overseas Aid Fund:

BSB: 014 278
Account Number: 3031 98237
Account Name: PiCCA Overseas Aid Fund
Reference: Use your surname as a reference – we will cross-reference it with the details you provide below.


Telephone: 0458 799 129

ABN: 41603012906


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